
Graduation Speech

We re ally made it. I just want to say thank you to all my teachers, who gave me homework every day and pushed my limits of learning until 2 am. Thank you to all the parents, who didn’t check their students grades in between quarters. And thank you to the students, for all being my friends during my middle school experience and putting up with me. It is such a privilege to get to stand here and express all the memories and emotions for the class of 2018 and share what is in our hearts as we move onto the next chapter of our lives as high schoolers. Middle school was a rough, but fun journey. I remember my first day of 5th grade when I thought I would get trampled in the halls and all the students I used to know would change because of the new chapter of our lives from elementary school to middle school. I was so proud of myself for making it through that year of being the youngest in the school. It was an interesting journey of banning rainbow loom obsessions to kids eating pap

Endings and Beginnings

Saying Goodbye... When you say goodbye to someone that us moving away or is sick and might pass away soon, it is heartbreaking. Saying goodbye to someone moving away is still sad but it's almost like saying goodbye for now, because you will see them later in life or visit them. But, sadly when you say your last goodbye to someone who is dying it is a very depressing moment no matter who it is. some people don't even get to say goodbye to they're loved ones who passed away while they were at work or at home or away on a trip. So saying goodbye to them means a lot because it is the last thing that you will ever say to them and you can't ever see them or visit them the next week.  So saying goodbye is a very painful experience no matter who it is to or what the situation is. Anyway, saying goodbye is better than not saying anything at all or missing an important goodbye.  

Tests are Stress

Why do tests even exist? Tests are basically a compiled list of very hard questions meant to stump students and create stress. When you hear a teacher announce that there is a test coming  up, you freak out. There is now a whole list of stress leading up to that test. For example, "When is the test? What do I use to study? How do I study? Should I tell my parents about the test? What if I fail? Will I have to retake the grade? What if I don't get into a good college?" and those are only a few of the many stress questions that all the students ask ourselves. The stress that students face when they are taking a test or studying for a test is honestly not healthy. Students can experience anxiety, depression, sleep deprivation, stomach aches, acne and breakouts, migraines, and maybe even drug or alcohol addiction. Tests are a torture device written on paper or  typed on the computer. All of these tests are meant to rank children and sort them based on a single standardized te

Loveless Latte

“We must live, and when this is all over, we must work to make the world a better place. And if we die, we will die knowing that it was not our fault, that we did our best, and we can go to our deaths in dignity… I want you both to live…And to remember...You must choose love. Always choose love.”  - (from Daniel’s Story by Carol Matas, page 70) This quote is from Daniel's story, a book about a boy and his story during the holocaust. I believe that love is what keep this world together and prevents it from total destruction. No matter who you are, girl, boy, mom, dad, sister, or brother, love bonds us all together and keeps us all hoping. During the holocaust, people had a will to live because of love and thinking about their future with people they love in it. Hope and love are essential to our wellbeing. We need love in order to maintain relationships, not only romance, but friendships and family too. Without love then this world would end in minutes. imagine a loveless wo

Dear Diary

2/25/18 Dear Diary,      When my friends from my church started talking about this camp they all went to over the summer together I felt left out. I wanted to learn what it actually was and where it was and how long they all went for. I found out from one of my friends that it was a greek camp called, Fanari, And they picked one week to go out of the 4 weeks.        They all said that my church was going the 3rd week so I considered it. When I realized that it was only 1 week until I had to leave I had a checklist to got through that my church had sent me. After I was done going from store to store looking for various items I went home and picked it all in a duffle bag.        Wow, the day I leave is filled with happiness and nerves, I am excited but also nervous because there are people that I don't know all over the camp. when I get there all my friends brought bags of food and junk that they said we would eat and use in our free time when we had break. I was so excited w

Pain Is Not Worth Beauty

 Pain Is Not Worth Beauty     She was 12 when she picked out all her imperfections. She was fat, ugly, a horrible person, or so she thought. She stopped eating lost a few pounds but her mom noticed and stopped her. 5 months later she starts again no one notices! She's thrilled, she becomes thinner and thinner, smaller and smaller, she's losing weight by the minute! She collapses, she wakes up in the hospital with a tube up her nose helping her breath. She weighs 64 pounds, 13 years old, 5"2. She spends 6 weeks in the hospital then gets ready to go home, her friend came with to pick her up with her mom. Her mom is checking in with the doctor in the other room. The friend is in her room, she hugs her. All of a sudden she collapses against the friend, she rushed out screaming. They did all they could but anorexia claimed one more innocent, beautiful,young girl.  This short story I wrote is about Anorexia Nervosa and just one example of what is happening to the young and b

Throwback Thursday

We were headed on our yearly trip to Michigan.  We had only gotten my dog, May, about 6 months ago and this was our first time on a long trip with her. Sitting across sideways just to get comfortable and getting up every 3 minutes to get some McDonald's fries from the front. I remember how much fun we had passing the time on that 5 hour car ride to our cousin's house. By the way, thats my twin sister Alexis in the picture. It was my 8th birthday with my twin sister and we came home from school with our birthday hats on and excited for finally turning 8. We had on our best clothes and I even brushed my crazy bangs that day, I know what a tragic hairstyle on me. I never knew I would go from 8 to 14 so quickly . Halloween! Our favorite holiday as kids. we were so excited to go as Daphne and Velma from Scooby Doo. Obviously we have different opinions now as we look back on our poses and faces, but back then it was super stylish.