
Showing posts from February, 2018

Dear Diary

2/25/18 Dear Diary,      When my friends from my church started talking about this camp they all went to over the summer together I felt left out. I wanted to learn what it actually was and where it was and how long they all went for. I found out from one of my friends that it was a greek camp called, Fanari, And they picked one week to go out of the 4 weeks.        They all said that my church was going the 3rd week so I considered it. When I realized that it was only 1 week until I had to leave I had a checklist to got through that my church had sent me. After I was done going from store to store looking for various items I went home and picked it all in a duffle bag.        Wow, the day I leave is filled with happiness and nerves, I am excited but also nervous because there are people that I don't know all over the camp. when I get there all my friends brought bags of food and junk that they said we would eat and use in our free time when we had break. I was so excited w

Pain Is Not Worth Beauty

 Pain Is Not Worth Beauty     She was 12 when she picked out all her imperfections. She was fat, ugly, a horrible person, or so she thought. She stopped eating lost a few pounds but her mom noticed and stopped her. 5 months later she starts again no one notices! She's thrilled, she becomes thinner and thinner, smaller and smaller, she's losing weight by the minute! She collapses, she wakes up in the hospital with a tube up her nose helping her breath. She weighs 64 pounds, 13 years old, 5"2. She spends 6 weeks in the hospital then gets ready to go home, her friend came with to pick her up with her mom. Her mom is checking in with the doctor in the other room. The friend is in her room, she hugs her. All of a sudden she collapses against the friend, she rushed out screaming. They did all they could but anorexia claimed one more innocent, beautiful,young girl.  This short story I wrote is about Anorexia Nervosa and just one example of what is happening to the young and b

Throwback Thursday

We were headed on our yearly trip to Michigan.  We had only gotten my dog, May, about 6 months ago and this was our first time on a long trip with her. Sitting across sideways just to get comfortable and getting up every 3 minutes to get some McDonald's fries from the front. I remember how much fun we had passing the time on that 5 hour car ride to our cousin's house. By the way, thats my twin sister Alexis in the picture. It was my 8th birthday with my twin sister and we came home from school with our birthday hats on and excited for finally turning 8. We had on our best clothes and I even brushed my crazy bangs that day, I know what a tragic hairstyle on me. I never knew I would go from 8 to 14 so quickly . Halloween! Our favorite holiday as kids. we were so excited to go as Daphne and Velma from Scooby Doo. Obviously we have different opinions now as we look back on our poses and faces, but back then it was super stylish.