
Showing posts from September, 2017

Passion Latte

I actually love to play sports, even though I might no be the best at some of them. I love the rush you get when the whistle blows and the buzzer goes off. I love the feeling of just going for it. Some sports that I love to play soccer, volleyball, hockey, badminton, baseball and other sports. Let's say the whistle blows and the soccer ball comes shooting at you with full force and you get that rush and kick it hard and you feel that accomplished feeling throughout your body. Sometimes it bothers me when I want to play a sport I love but people  say I'm not good at it, or they're better than me. So over all I love to watch sports, play sports, and I love all the players too. I could research the players and number on my favorite team.

Quotes Latte

"All you need is love,but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt."                                                                                      I chose this quote because I believe In true love, but I feel like chocolate kind of completes life. Like in a situation where life is pretty bad but then you find the love of your life. Well that's pretty great but to live your best live chocolate never hurts, it helps.  "She is half my soul,  and half my heart, without my twin, I'd fall apart."           I chose this quote because I have a twin myself and I don't know why I would do without her.  I love the idea of " a twin is your other half" so this quote is another explanation of that. If I didn't have my twin in my life my heart would fall apart. "You smell like Drama and a headache, please get away from me." I chose this quote because I hate drama, and I can tell when people are going to be an